UAB “Bizea” (hereinafter – the Company) cares about the security of your data. We are committed to protecting and responsibly managing your personal data. This document provides information on how we process your personal data using cookies.

Personal data is processed in accordance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter – the Regulation), the Law on the Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania, and other laws regulating personal data protection.



1.1. The Company’s website uses cookies – small pieces of text information that are automatically created while browsing the website and are stored on the user’s computer or another device. Cookies are used to enhance the browsing experience of the website’s visitors, analyze the traffic, and behavior on the website.

1.2 The Company uses cookies on its website to improve and enhance the experience of the website’s visitors.

1.3. The following types of cookies may be used on the Company’s website:

1.3.1. Technical cookies – help to display the website and its content to visitors and ensure the functionality of the website. Technical cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the website.

1.3.2. Functional cookies – used to help the website’s visitors use the Company’s website, remember choices, and preferences made during browsing. Functional cookies are not necessary for the website to function fully, but they add functionality and improve your experience on the Company’s website.

1.3.3. Analytical cookies – used to gather information about how visitors use the Company’s website. This is necessary to optimize and improve the website. Analytical cookies allow us to collect data about the pages you viewed, the websites you came from, the emails you opened and responded to, and information about dates and times. This also means that we may use information about you and how you use the website, such as visit frequency, click count on specific pages, search terms used, etc.

1.3.4. Commercial cookies (targeted or advertising cookies) – used to provide personalized advertising to the website’s visitor. This is called “remarketing,” which is based on browsing actions such as the products and/or services you searched for and viewed.

1.4. Access to statistical data about the Company’s website visitors is available to the Company’s employees responsible for analyzing and improving the website.

1.5. Access to technical records may also be available to the Company’s partners who provide content management tools for the website.

1.6. Data collected by cookies in the Company is stored no longer than necessary to achieve the purposes of data processing or as long as required by the data subjects and/or applicable laws.

1.7. For more detailed information about cookies, please visit: org.

1.8. If you do not agree to the use of cookies, you can change your internet browser settings and control the number of cookies. Useful links on how to disable cookies can be found below:

Cookie NameDescriptionExpiration
sbjs_sessionUsed for session tracking and statistics collection.End of session
wp-settings-time-1Used for user interface customization settings.1 year
wp-settings-1Used for user interface customization settings.1 year
cs_stored_consent_forSaves user consent for cookie usage.1 year
CS-MagicEnsures the functionality of the website and manages consent for cookie usage.End of session
cs_user_preferenceSaves user preferences for cookie settings.1 year
cs_viewed_cookie_policyMarks if the user has already viewed the cookie policy.1 year
cs_enabled_cookie_term_643Saves information about user consent for specific cookie terms.1 year
cs_enabled_cookie_term_646Saves information about user consent for specific cookie terms.1 year
cs_enabled_cookie_term_642Saves information about user consent for specific cookie terms.1 year
sbjs_udataTracks user data, e.g., the website they visited before coming to yours.6 months
sbjs_firstTracks the user’s first visit to the website.6 months
sbjs_currentTracks the user’s current session on the website.6 months
sbjs_first_addAdds information about the user’s first visit to the website.6 months
sbjs_current_addAdds information about the user’s current session on the website.6 months
sbjs_migrationsSaves data about cookie migrations and updates.6 months
wp-wpml_current_admin_language_d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427eUsed for user language settings in the admin area.1 year
wordpress_logged_in_8900ad2c6dd4a9850602aab6dd91708fIndicates that the user is logged into the website.End of session
wordpress_test_cookieChecks if the browser allows the use of cookies.End of session
_ga_TSWD4DXJHYUsed for collecting statistics with Google Analytics.2 years
mp_a36067b00a263cce0299cfd960e26ecf_mixpanelUsed by Mixpanel to collect analytics about user behavior.1 year
_gaUsed for Google Analytics to track user statistics.2 years
_ga_1TC843HE30Used for tracking individual sessions in Google Analytics.2 years
_fbpUsed by Facebook for marketing purposes, tracking user behavior on the website.3 months
wordpress_sec_8900ad2c6dd4a9850602aab6dd91708fEnsures a secure user login session.End of session
YSCYouTube cookie used for collecting statistics on embedded videos.End of session
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEYouTube cookie assessing the quality of the user’s connection.6 months
GPSUsed by YouTube for geo-location tracking.30 minutes
PREFYouTube cookie remembering the user’s settings and preferences (e.g., language).8 months
wp-wpml_current_languageSaves the user’s chosen website language.1 year